Friday, November 12, 2010

Remember The Feeling (CD Unwrapping)

Remember When You Were Younger... No Wait...Well Maybe Only a Select Few People Would Have done This..Of My Readers, im asking the question Have you Ever Bought an Official Physical CD for Your Favourite Artist??? Im Talking about The official Stuff..Wrapped in That Annoying Clear Plastic That Took You Atleast 5 Mins To Open Lolzz..Remember The Excitement You Felt Rushing Through You As You Finally Opened it ^_^....You Could'nt Wait To Pop That CD In and Read The Lil Lyrics Booklet and See The Photos...Ahh The Good Old Days

SKIP TO THE 6:33 Min Mark of The Following Video To See Kanye West's New Album Packaging

I Mean i dunno What it Is But These Days..I Haven't  Been That Excited or Compelled To Buy an Original CD...Not Saying Bootlegging Cuz If You Bootleg and Enjoy The Music You Should BUY The Official CD and Ofcourse if the International Artist Came Down Here Even Though u Got The Music Bootleg You Should Make The Effort To See Them Live... That Way Even If u Are Bootlegging They're Still Getting Some Monetary Appreciation....Still I Wondered Why I Hadnt Been Excited To Buy Anything Original In So Long Until KANYES NEW ALBUM...

I Mean The Kanyes' Album is My Personal Preference I dunno If Someone Reading This Just Bought The New Taylor Swift Or whateva..Point Is..Im Just Wondering To Myself..Has The Appeal Of Buying a Physical CD Totally Left Us Simply For The Fact of Getting The Music Free is So Easy Nowadays?? Meaning Back in the Day Did We Enjoy The WHOLE ALBUM PACKAGING MORE because We hadn't Heard Most of The Songs Yet?? 

In Short Has The Birth Of Bootlegging Ruined The Magic of The CD?
I Dunno..That's My Question For The Day 

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