Friday, August 6, 2010

It Must Feel Awkward Today whilst waiting on my Bus at the Bus Shed Thingee..which is basically a hard bench that if you sit onit Sun will be beating on you!!! so you havta stand to enjoy the Shade anyways *rolls eyes* wait i was going off topic dere lol..anyway yes..I was waiting for my bus..when low and behold this lil Bess Looking Chick...wit sum kinda long (Neat Well kept) looking Ras( which is Hairstyle for all you Foreigners reading this) came and stood up next to me..A Few Minutes Passed and sweetie asked me.."Been Waiting Long for a Bus?".....thats wat she said IN REALITY...but in my mind all i heard was "Wah wah Wah Wah Wah??'..i was focusing on her face LAAADDD she was fine lolzz...But anywayzzz..we kept standing and seeing as the shed was at the side of wat is essentially a main road/Flyover..Everytime a Car Passed I Caught Rel Kicks with the Men Straining their necks to Look at de Lady.

 Now..This is Normal Male Behaviour..We think That Looking at You We mite hopefully catch your glance and it will be love at first sight..Heaven Choirs and Bells From Above and all ah dat lol..But Then i thought to myself..Ummmm How do women feel when guys stare at them jed??

 Because i was just standing NEXT TO the lady and when that bus full of dudes stopped for a traffic light and were looking at her..i felt like an Intense Heat was taking over my Body LOlzzz...Seriously?? Ladies how do you feel when men stare at you?? Do you try to avoid dere glance? Turn Around?? lolzzz Tell me man and 4 goodness sake would you people LEAVE COMMENTS lol


  1. i feel totally uncomfortable i get figgity an look away cus it makes me feel like they un-dressing me wit their eyes its so creepy i jus feel the need 2 say WTF are u looking at,jeez frigging perv,lol.....

  2. well staring is so rude...ESPECIALLY if u sootin & callin 'reds' & 'empress'(lawd )...PLEASE!....i avoid de stare
